The snow has finally all melted, the birds are chirping and the little purple flowers in my yard are poking their heads out of the ground.  Boy am I glad that spring is here!  You may have noticed that my little ol' blog has been quiet for awhile.  It's been a tough couple of months for me dealing with a  health scare that came out of nowhere, knocked me down for weeks and left me more than a little shaken up.  The good news is, I'm back on my feet, back at school and back to blogging.  There is potentially a Round 2 to face in a few weeks, but we'll deal with that if/when we have to.
     So, this is a just quick post because it's so late, but I wanted to get my April calendar cards to you in time for tomorrow.  You can click below the pic to download.  (I'll post the months we missed while I was MIA later so you can tuck them away for next year.)
   I hope all has been well with all of you - I'm glad to be back!