As kindergarten teachers, we know how important it is to give our kids lots of picture clues as they wander through the confusing world of words and sentences. Using materials with pictures that clearly illustrate the text provides our emerging readers with the support they need to be successful. I’ve been on a mission for the last couple of years to find and/or make materials that do exactly that. I had so many really adorable signs and posters that made my classroom look really cute, but that weren’t too helpful as visual aids. So, I’m slowly replacing them with resources that are more supportive but just as cute.
I’m especially excited about my new rules posters. Like I did with
my job chart last year, I tried my hand at some clipart and I love how the posters came out
! The pictures show what the expected behavior is for each rule, and I think they will really help the kids connect with my expectations. (And we all know that if we don’t nail it down in the first few weeks we’re in for a long year
!) I’m going to do the ol’ hang them on a ribbon trick and put them somewhere that’s easy to see.
I just posted them to my
TPT store if you want to check them out. I’ll put them on sale until Friday so if you’re an impulse shopper like I am, you’ll get a deal. I’ll send a free set to the first three people who comment down below
!Have a great night