Hooray! The heat wave here in the Northeast has finally broken and it's a beautiful summer night. I am sitting on my screen porch with a beer in my hand and my dog at my side. I am one happy camper! (Oooo - camping --> campfires --> marshmallows --> s'mores. I should make s'mores!)

If you read my last post, you know that this summer I'm looking back at my year and writing about some things that I meant to share but didn't quite get to. Last fall I posted some pictures of my classroom and over the year I received a bunch of emails with questions about how I made the table skirt for my teaching table. I absolutely LOVE the way it came out and it was super easy to make. I picked up a few of the storage ottomans at Target during the "Back to College" sale and I think the finished project changes the whole feel of my classroom and makes it seem very "homey." (And the bonus is that you can stuff a whole lot of crap in the ottoman seats when you need to do a quick clean-up!)

If your creative juices are flowing and you want to give it a try, pull out your sewing machine and follow this quick "how-to." (If you're not a sewer, I hear that you can create a hem by folding the fabric and using a hot glue gun!)  Enjoy!

Peace Love & Learning - How to make a Table Skirt

Peace Love & Learning - How to make a Table Skirt

Peace Love & Learning - How to make a Table Skirt

Peace Love & Learning - How to make a Table Skirt

Peace Love & Learning - How to make a Table Skirt

Tip:  If you have an overzealous Fire Marshall like I do , you know they break into hives when they see any fabric in the classroom.  I treated my fabric with a spray called No-Burn Fabric Fire Gard, and it passed inspection!

Have a great night!