We had our 12th day of kindergarten this week, and it made me think of the fantastic book, The Twelve Days of Kindergarten by Deborah Lee Rose. If you've read it before, you know that it's a super cute school version of the 12 Days of Christmas and the kids love it. It's great to use when you're working on double digit numbers and it also has incredibly funny and detailed pictures that are great for teaching how to look for picture clues.
The book inspired to me show you some of the things we've been up to, "12 Days" style. (You can click on some of the pictures for links or freebies.) On the 12th day of kindergarten my teacher gave to me . . .
12 Leveled Book Bins
I love these new baskets from the Dollar Tree - they match the stools at my reading table.
11 Hanging Portraits
We did this great freebie from Lauren Morse for Open House.
10 Marshmallow Toes
We read an emergent reader about Marshmallow Toes and made this cute craftivity.
9 Numbered Dots
I found this adorable rug for my math center at Ikea.
8 Word Wall Pictures
7 School Buses
The kids loved making these buses from Deanna Jump's Fun with Names unit.
6 Alphabet Emergent Readers
We've been using these easy to read letter books - they work great with our new Word Study program.
5 Classroom Rules
The kid friendly, relevant graphics on these posters are great visual reminders for the kids.
4 New Table Signs
Grab a free set of these cute signs to put in these awesome $1.00 Ikea frames.
3 Open House Frames
The kids painted and decorated cute frames for their parents for Open House.
2 Ikea Leaves
1 Freebie from Me to You!
Click here for this cute sequencing activity.
I hope your year is off to a great start, too!